In his first Epistle Saint Peter begins to stir things up with regard to what is expected of a believer in his or her very personal life relationships. In 3.5-6 we read: For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful. Beauty in the Kingdom of God was always rooted more in the spiritual than in the physical. How one does what one does counts for much.
Even in the cultural setting of the bible where the women seem to have had less power and authority than viewed in the present, they demonstrated their own personalities in relationship: They were submissive to their own husbands, We see clearly that women were not in submission to all men, but were called to be faithful to their own husbands. This modeled what God meant about submission to him first and always.
One of the many examples of faithful submission of wife to husband is found in the relationship between Father Abraham and his lady: like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her master. He never denigrated Sarah in anyway—even when she sought to secure an heir for him through alternative means by use of her servant girl—just so the word of the Lord would come to pass in their relationship in old age.
Even when Sarah missed a step in God’s perfect plan for them as the parents of Israel, the Lord honored her for her faithfulness to her husband—and to him. All women who choose to follow the Lord God in faith are viewed in heaven as heirs of this faithful wife and mother: You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear. Sarah heard the Lord and submitted to his headship in her marriage.